Journey To The Center Of The Island
Lined up on the center line, ready for departure, runway one-three. I am on my way to see my favorite two people on the earth who, by the way, celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on the 12th. I have already pointed out to them that this represents one hundred and fourteen years of marriage experience between them. And there's been a lot between them in that time.
Gee, I don't know. There's just something about being nearly two miles above the ground and all that view that goes with it, and maybe just a little bit, it's the being able to go over 150 miles an hour (legally), in a straight line, with no traffic. Just maybe.
Level cruise at 9,500 feet, the Columbia River looking toward Astoria in the fog.
Orcas is the largest of the San Juans. There it is in the way far away with the two humps.
If you biggen this one, you will see the cut in the trees that is the runway.
On the approach to the small airstrip on the island, Mt. Baker. God's tooth...
The runway is listed as 1,600 ft on the AirNav website (identifier: 78WA). 1,600 feet. Rrrrrrriiiiiggghhhht.....
Three minutes past midnight. I love my picturer.
Mr. Gawpo, Sr and I put each of our shadows on a tree off the back deck and took time exposures. This was near midnight. FREEZE!
This is what I woke up to this morning. Actually, it was the pileated woodpecker that woke me, but I couldn't get the picturer out in time. There was plenty 'o time for this, though.
Mr. Gawpo, Sr. upon returning from the crabbing and shrimping venture.
Fresh Dungies...
Did I tell you that I landed once on Orcas on a night cross-country with my instructor? The sky was black, the sea was black, the land was black. All I could see were the runway lights -- but not the runway pavement until about the last 50 feet or so. It was cool.
Pass along our congratulations and best wishes to your parents, ok?
Hey! Can I come?
Gawpy, yer photos are brilliant.
When are you going to fly over to set up a website for your wares? Ceramic and maybe even photo?
Beautiful pics! Enjoy the visit, travel safely home, and enjoy the seafood.
Congratz to the 'rents! That's 399 in dog years!
Pass the garlic bread I need something to sop up the drool...Have a safe trip and enjoy the peaceful moments dear one~~
belated happy anniversary to the gawpo seniors! sounds like it was a fantastic visit. that time exposure is a gorgeous shot. you sure do use that picturer well. even for capturing the creepy little dinner trying to escape at the end.
You are in my favorite place! I SOOO wish I were there. Last summer was so peaceful and healing and beautiful and calm and exciting and clean and fresh and adventuresome and ........
I wish I were there.
Not that I'm unhappy here, mind you.
FANACHT: Whoa! Talk about Jay Eff Kennedy Junior conditions!!! Yikes to the 10th power, Fanacht. At least you had visual references to the lights to keep you within usual attitude. Speaking of attitude, I will pass along your congrats post haste.
CHEENDRUH!: I needed a passenger for company. I had the plane fairly well plugged with four new crab pots, four bait boxes and two shrimp pots for M.G.,S. But we could have squeezed you in. You will love it here when you finally do come.
Also, I am more than ready to set up the website, but I want to knock out some new examples to take to market. Mugs and bowls, baby. That's all I want to do. Mugs and bowls.
BWOOKIE: Now it's only FOUR more days. w00t! I will manage some munching in your honor, sweet dear lovely friend.
CHEESEBUCKET: So funny you should make that comment because as we were sitting there stuffed on crab, shrimp, salad and broccoli, my father says, "Where's the garlic bread?"
LIMERS: Well-wishes related. Mom is standing to my right. I forgot to say that the skyscape is also a time exposure, taken just before the shadow shot. Love that picturer, fo sho!
QUILLY: I know what you mean. Hawaii has its own properties, the San Juans, theirs. What you have described of the latter is taking place as I type. It is a gorgeous day, 80F in Friday Harbor and poised for more of the same on the morrow. Sigh.....sure wish I coulduah made the trip over instead of being laid out on my back last year. I barely got to fly over for a visit with Logo, though. So that was good.
OMG, be-U-tiful pics! Can I run away to the Pacific Northwest and hang out with you??
The Gawpos always have superior spreads, and no wonder... God's Tooth is watching.
Wowzer pichers. I'm three minutes past blown away by that nightscape.
Oh, Gawpo! I envy you this! Flying to eat shrimp - can't beat that!
And my boy, isn't a baby any more - getting to be a big boy, for sure. Sometimes I can't understand how this whole growing thing happened!
Enjoy the coolish weather you're going to have compared to the rest of us...
Oh, CLAIRE: Wildcat fans are always welcome to EnDoubleEwe turf. You are SO welcome any time to run away for both: Some hanging and some out. (wuh?)
SOMEWHERE JOE: And we pack it all in our tummies and puffy cheeks. But not our mother who sports the desert wandering genes that keep her fit throughout.
You're makin' me smile again. You always do.
SARAH: They went out and got even MORE yesterday. We got us a crab and shrimp fest, Missy.
That son of yours looks ready to start college. I'd better see him before he finishes his dissertation or I'll feel left out.
I just walked near the water and it is very nice and very cool. Gotta love the big, giant, YOOOGE refrigerator we're surrounded by on this teeny-weenie island.
Hugs to you and Erk.
What a beautiful trip!! Dungeness Crab, one of the reasons I stay in the North West! ;-)
That one picture outside of the plane . . . please don't tell me you were on automatic pilot and were standing out on the skids taking that picture.
Second pic from bottom - KLINGON food?
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